Friday, December 11, 2009

One Year Later

I am so sorry I have been neglecting this blog and it feels like forever since I wrote on here. I meant to write on Oct. 23 since that was my little girl's first birthday and my anniversary of my VBAC. It is so weird that a year has gone by it seems like it was just yesterday that she was born and I was feeling the rush of ecstatic emotions of accomplishment after the succesful VBAC birth. Yet at the same time it seems like so long ago too....

Since starting this blog I have enjoyed having friends go on to have successful VBACs and I have also enjoyed sharing my story with other women who have wanted to learn more about their options. It amazes me how many women don't even know that a VBAC is an option!

I hope to continue to offer encouragement, and knowledge to women who are wanting to have a VBAC. I also am looking forward to having other women share their own birth stories on here so we can celebrate with them.

I really want to get back into posting on here. If there are any questions anyone has feel free to post a comment or if anyone has specific topics they want me to discuss I would love to hear from you. I have been mentioning I will talk about pain management techniques, as well as twin and breech VBAC so that is next on my list of topics. My goal is to finish those soon!

Twin HBAC Video

Here is another great video a friend found that is showing a wonderful HBAC (homebirth after cesarean) of twins!